Hmm, what i'm missing?

Came back for the new cycle, got to lv83, but i can’t see any change compared with the first one, same frustration reaching the bazar but not being able to buy anything, same frustration having to sell items for 0 to rank up, same frustration and dumping on the floor legendary items because of high favors costs, what i’m missing or nothing actually changed?

Bazaar UI changes will happen sometime in the middle of the cycle, they haven’t been able to finish them in time so they’re still left out.
Hence all doors open to criticize it since that’s how bad design choices should be handled.

As for the other new stuff, it’s solely the Harbingers and the dodge mechanic. Everything else is balancing and fixing stuff, which they did fairly well I would say. The Harbingers also are a great mechanic and implemented with proper thought for a long-term situation.

What do you even mean with that? I have no clue.

Is it too many uniques from prophecies you mean? (which we have filter options for now).
Is it something else?
Which favor costs do you relate to there?

Good to know they will rework the bazar, hopefully not only the UI. I’ve dropped some items for the new dungeon, but i understood the run is not ready yet. Oh, i’m buying items with 0 gold and selling for 0 gold in order to rank up, but i can’t sell uniques with legendary bonusses because of high favor costs. Can’t even think in changing the build, is nearly impossible for someone twisting the time between the game and family or other games. Oh yeah, i can see the warlock is nerfed but still decent

There is never a need to buy items or sell items for 0 gold.
Which is exactly why I’m saying that the setup of the bazaar is… plainly spoken… hot garbage. It leads people to easily believe that’s a viable thing to do.

Reputation is gained 2 points per favor received… hence simply by playing. And 2 points per favor spent. No matter the way it’s spent.
Favor is spent by listing (not selling), buying and by gambling on the faction trader.

So to get a reasonable outcome… listing idols is a great way to fund yourself. List all of them at a fixed rate unless you know they’re good ones. Hundreds of idols for… 5k gold each!
One sells? Great! 5k gold!
They don’t sell? Great! Doesn’t matter, same outcome as ‘0’ gold listings.

There is no functional reason to ever list for ‘0’, it’s solely ‘goodness of your heart’ to do that.

I would definitely enjoy actual functional changes which are reasonable and adhere to market rules… but the UI is the first and foremost issue.

We got missing affixes.
We got no price-check functionality.
We got no quick searches.
We got no proper comparison system.
We got no way to dual-affix search (with different tiers)
We got no way to sub-sort.

All which are basically foundational systems for a game which has diablo-clone affix systems as you can’t reasonably find things otherwise.

Also the nemesis, don’t forget. I’d say they have more of an impact to most players than harbingers do.

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True, I always brush them under the same rug for some odd reason name-wise.

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