Hi, i have found a secret passage

Hi, the secret passage is here. ^^"
passage secret.zip (2.9 MB)

Why is that a ZIP file? What is supposed to be in there, a picture?

This seems very suspicious.

It’s a pic of the courtyard zone, though I’m not quite sure where the secret passage is supposed to be.

@Anuih, you can upload images to imgur.com & link from there rather than uploading directly.

Edit: I’m not sure I’d call it a secret passage, but you can definitely walk through what appears to be a rock which you wouldn’t normally expect to. The area is not far from the exit to the zone & is easiest to get to from the Temple of Eterra waypoint.

The rock is the red-hatched area below.

Hi , sry i just saw your reply :/, thanks for the information about imgur.
Yes this zone contain items without collisions. I would avoid making a joke in bug section next time, I hadn’t thought about the potential suspicions.

ps : and I sent a zip because the format of my picture was not accepted by the site Lulloser.

Can Confirm …
Video of Bug

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