Hey, can Primalist please have an option to not be so naked?

Title. I’d like to actually wear the armor I pick up please, sir.


Armor art will probably be the last thing they do. It is expensive and it will get wasted if they are still changing the animation before release.

Most chars will look the same anyway with only minor changes here and there. There are pretty much BiS base items and everything else, outside of some uniques, is not desireable. Since every class is able to wear every type of armor without downsides there is no use in showing them anyway.

I do not agree with not showing armor you pick up as this together with the option to change our character appearance when creating char will make my game experience more fun.
I understand that currently at beta phase it is not in the needed list but i shall expect them when game comes out of beta.

Yes I would like apperance changes as well but I don’t think we’ll get those. All the changes in animations and clipping isues with adding armor skins might be to much work but I don’t know how much the devs already have done.

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