Heresy is redundant after River of Bones

Looking at the Necromancer passives, River of Bones gives up to 100% crit chance to minions. The very next passive, Heresy, gives up to 50% crit chance to minions.

Exceeding 100% crit chance has no effect. I suggest giving a different bonus to Heresy.

Critical strike avoidance is a thing.

They are multiplicative and not additive. Your minions do not get an *added critical chance of 150% from both River of Bones/Heresy. Minions have a base crit chance of 5% and with both maxed out passives that would be:

5 x (1+1.5) = 12.5% Critical Chance
[Base Crit Chance: 5 x Increased Crit Chance: 1.5 → 150%]

Now if it were a Skeleton Mage with Celer Mortis allocated (Added 15% to base crit) this would look like:

(5 + 15) x (1+1.5) = 50% critical chance.

River of Bones also grants crit-leech and freeze rate while Heresy gives intelligence which scales with ward retention, minion damage, and life.

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Yeah but in this case it’s just that he doesn’t understand how math works.

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