Hi guys, i have a proposal to help each other. Deadend builds are a common frustrating thing for players, i propose that we post here builds that seemed to have support on the game but at the end of the day they were nothing.
So lets just make a list of builds that we copy and paste adding new builds or adding links to the build in case there is something interesting, for instance, if a write maelstrom totem build and somebody has done a good maelstrom totem build then he can put a link to the build (better if there is a video or one line with the key thing that makes it viable)
Builds listed MUST have some support on the game, meaning the build has to make you think developers wanted to do something with it. Also this maybe inspires developers to quit catfishing us.
- Maelstrom on totem
- Maelstrom twister or tsunami
- Channeled Avalanche. PAIN
- Elemental minion avalanche.
- Bear companion.
- Spriggan as main companion dmg dealer.
- Entangling roots as dmg dealer
- Abyssal echoes caster dmg dealer
- Void cleave ravaging aura as dmg dealer(they added an itemā¦ for what). PAIN
- Shield Throw dmg dealer (same, they added and itemā¦ for what)
- Lethal mirage (black blade) as flicker strike, all the hype and then just doestn work. PAIN
- Detonating arrow as ranged dmg dealer.
- Puncture as main dmg dealer.
- Black Hole dmg dealer for real.
- Gathering storm as main dmg dealer and not a meme. PAIN
- Channeled healing hands beam. WHAT THE H*** IS EVEN THAT.
- Maelstrom stacker.
- Mana strike as main dmg dealer.
Of course there are many many more, but i dont want to make this as a hating post.
You guys might say: <<hey mate! this skills u mention were ment to be used as support not as main dmg!>> just know i will respond to that: then why they have damage nodes or items that make it seem like they tried to make them do real dmg.
Of course i will love to be proven wrong in everything i say.
In fact i double, triple dare guys a make a viable builds out of this.
Viable build means killing aberroth, but under 10 minutes BUT also must be able to run monoliths.