Hello, I was hoping to get some help with this build and get some questions on mechanics answered. I have never tried making my own build in an arpg before and am not familiar with the minutiae of LE’s mechanics so apologies if what I write is incoherent garbage. If you know of a guide for a similar concept feel free to link that. I wasn’t able to find any. (Probably not a good sign lol.)
The idea is to use Cinder Strike to build up stacks of Oil Coating then create shadows and consume them using Umbral Conflagration to stack ignite. Decoy would be used for defense and fire shred, then I would go in using Synchronized and Shift to create shadows. Smoke bomb is there for more shadows, haste, and defensive utility.
This is what I have so far for a planned build. It doesn’t have any exalted or uniques though I am open to suggestions. I would appreciate any thoughts.
I would also like to know if damaging increasing procs like Flow or Lethal Cadence apply to the Burning Daggers thrown by me and the shadows or just the base Cinder Strike hit/ignite procs. Thanks.