Help, stuck on Lagon's Trial

Hey All,

I’m currently stuck on Lagons Trial at level 54, not sure how to proceed? is there an alternative way to bypass this boss and come back later when I’m stronger? Thanks.

Stay on left site - near by his tentackle which block u way absolutly in corner - if u have range dmg or minions its fine - destroy one tentacle part - just move to right little bit when he make circle aeo dmg on u and go back again when it will be safe… Second phase he will port u in entrance and spawn lot of low trash minions in wave and send wave of water on you…avoid dmg and kill adds - again - u won after destroy that one tentacle

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Thanks, I’ll give it a shoot. tried 5 times. I play necro build, have no problem with trash mobs at level 52 but this boss seems more than I can handle lol

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Ye i play necro too…problem is his hit by “hand” wich will not hit you if u will be in that corner on side like u will want run away :joy:… And that laser will not hit you too …maybe few times for low dmg it can be healed up with potion

Play some monolith to get a bit stronger. So you can fight the tentacles faster down. Which means you have to avoid mechanics less often and the fewer mechanics you have to play, the more likely you are to survive. The boss is usually not a problem. You are not allowed to facetank mechanics because many have the potential to oneshot you. and if you’ve tried it five times so far, that’s very little for a boss. The problem is that it’s basically the first real boss fight. Before that everything is pointless. And yes, oneshot mechanics are good because if they didn’t exist and you could facetank everything, then the mechanics would be pointless. The good thing is that you can see the mechanics very well and therefore it’s actually easy to avoid them. Watch your boss and don’t mindlessly spam your skills without seeing what the boss is doing. the boss is not that tough. If you have a bit of perseverance, you’ll be able to do it. And yes i play a necromancer mainly, too. Its not a problem of the class. And you should have the resistances all up.

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Its nice advice but for example me …i was fighting Lagon on lvl ~ 40 and monoliths are recommended from 58 … Its better to do it in a way i told and just have easy fight

Lagon is very mechnical, you just need to play the mechanics right.

I made a guide a while ago. The boss changes slightly with the need to attack the tentacles and not the boss itself.
But all of the mechancis and hwo to deal with them still stands.

Or he just need to stay on left side in corner - move slightly to right when aeo circle will came up and move back and use 1-2 potions with spam of spells or minions and phase 2 its easy …done…0 mechanic skill issues, with need to move character for 2 times per phase 1 and two times per last phase …

If you stay on one of the edges and the boss does target you with the Eye Beam you will be trapped and need to use a teleport or invulerability skill to survive.

I had the same problem with Lagon till now. The advice to stay in the left corner was very helpful and i could finish the fight now. Thanks a lot to you all for the helpful tips and hopefully it will also work for you @MightyBella :slight_smile:

Sure you can do it the lame way and just exploit any zones. But then you can also add a skip combat button

You should not asume, that i stand only in the left corner, do you? I wrote it is helpful to stay there, not that i stand the whole fight there. So the fight was not lame for me, it was intense :slight_smile:

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killed it after 4 more tries, I used the suggestion by stay on the left corner, its easier for us newbies. yes, the circle still hits you but with all the button spamming, it made things easier in phase I & 3. Also I tried maxing out cold/lighting resistance…did help a bit. Thanks all!


Nope there is lot of space for move to side

When you are at the left edge of the wall and the boss does the eye beam from right to left you will be trapped with no way to escape.

With you playing a minion build this might be less of an issue because the boss very likely targets your minions more often then yourself. But it can still happen.

If you will stay absolutly on left it will not even hit u and you have still place to go on right side of that “stairs” …i did that and i know that. U will stay before that tentacle in very left corner and your character will looks like he is inside that tentacle blocking way with half of body (like in front) that means u will not be locked only if u stay on wrong exact place

I never did that, it sounds like a bug and I hope they fix that

Much love. Googled this problem with melee minions and your tentacle trick worked. They better not fix that blind spot before changing the fight.

If you have a necro summonings build, as other mentioned , you can stay in the left part of the “arena” near the tentacle and let you minions do the job. When you are teleported in the center of the arena rush to the right part , on the stairs and let your minions kill whatever comes to you. After some time you are teleported back and repeat step one. This works only if you have summoning builds :slight_smile:

Just so you know the last campaign boss will shit on you if you don’t have good phys res.