[Help Request] Rogue Bleed Build Help

So, I found Bo’s Anarchy early while levelling my Rogue. I didn’t really know what I wanted the Rogue to be yet, but I thought this item sounded really fun. Levelling with Puncture and Shuriken was really cool. I built into stacking bleeds, using Puncture just to keep up stacks of Bleeding Fury, thus giving my Shuriken and Falcon lots of bleed chance. The free richochets on the Shuriken ended up applying bleeds to the entire screen pretty much.

I’m in level 80 Monoliths now, and this damage is starting to fall off. I can’t kill arena champions, and bosses are going… very very slow. I keep Bleeding Fury up and spam my Shuriken. It kind of works. But it seems like it’s not going to work for much longer.

I understand my Resistances aren’t capped, and am working on it. I think my weapon still being Bo’s is incredibly limiting, and I’m feeling like it isn’t realistic to wait/hold out for a LP version with a good Exalt slam for some extra bleed or whatever.

I’m wondering if anyone has any advice. Should I continue with this Puncture/Shuriken thing? It’s kind of clunky and the damage isn’t paying off anymore. I saw the Falcon bleed ideas in this post and it sounds 10000x more powerful than what I’m working with right now. I’m thinking of farming some gear to transition into a char like that instead. It also feels like some of the potential of my skills are being wasted here, like so much of Falcon damage scaling comes from stuff I’m not making use of, like throwing/melee damage, dex, etc since they don’t affect the bleed damage. I think Bo’s is still cool, and I’ll keep an eye out for an LP version, but it might be better suited to a Lightning Shuriken crit build or something.

Here’s my current char: Build Planner Link

EDIT: Additional question I’m reposting from the other thread
“How do bleeds and minion damage actually interact? Thinking of trying this build out. Does the minion apply the bleed damage value shown on my character sheet, influenced by physical damage/damage over time? Or does it have it’s own hidden bleed value? And is it’s bleed value affected/increased by generic minion damage? You say to focus bleed chance, and minion damage, so I’d assume minion damage would increase the bleed damage value. But you never know. Would Physical Damage and Damage over Time be a wasted stat on a Falcon-focused bleed build? So many questions lol.”

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Which I’ve answered in that other thread.

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I tried making a Puncture bleed build this cycle using the Mirage node to triple the initial attack and shotgun 3x the bleeds on the target, it wasn’t the most powerful but with decent gear I ended up being able to push corruption, just about - was really fun conceptually and I love the idea of being able to effectively hit 3 times with the same attack (if large enough), each applying many stacks. With good gear I think it has potential to be quite powerful.

Bo’s is an item I’ve been interested in for a while, it seems super fun to build around. Though not sure whether scaling Bleeds or Hits is more effective with it (not always but generally it’s more effective to focus on one).

Falcon is certainly incredibly powerful. It’s being tuned down a little in the next patch but as yet unsure where it will end up.

I’m not 100% sure about your latter questions but I think minion ailment scaling is entirely separate to your own, EXCEPT there’s a unique that transfers some of your bleed chance to your Falcon: Blood Roost

There’s also the node Rending Talons in the Falconry skill tree that gives 50% of your bleed/poison/shred chance to your Falcon (being reduced in 1.1 to 25%).

I would assume this is the reason stacking personal bleed chance is suggested.

Affixes that affect minion bleed damage/duration/penetration etc specify “Minions have”, and this Reddit post confirms minion ailments are scaled separately. But modifiers to minion physical damage, and damage over time, will affect their bleeds, just like with the player.

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And thanks ashorak as well for the reply. Makes sense how minion bleed scaling works now. I got a lot of gear respeccing to do.


That’s bleed chance though just like the skill & passive nodes that have the same effect, not bleed damage.

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Yup, don’t think there’s any nodes/unique affixes that transfer Bleed damage over to your minions. I’ve not played Falconer/bleed minions though so am not 100% sure.

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There aren’t that I’m aware of with the exception of the Trained to Hunt node for Falcon which would apply a % of your damage modifier to the birb & Shared Enhancements in the Ballista tree.

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You need to start focusing on get flat throwing damage.

There aren’t any affixes that “transfer” but there are a few that are shared bleed ones.

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My understanding was that this would largely be a waste instead of getting damage over time/physical damage because flat throwing damage doesn’t influence bleeds.

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This is correct.