Help define bonus of less bonus damage taken from crits

As we known, defult crits deal 200% of your base damage. With bonus what I understand are two different things: 1. 100% of that 200% base crit damage also count as bonus; 2. any beyond the 200% base crit damage could call a bonus. Which one is correct when having less bonus damage taken from crits status?

The reason I ask that because someone claims his less bonus damage takend from crits status don’t work properly since he has over 100% of that, still being crit with at least 2 times of normal hit damage.

The default crit multi (it’s not actually the same type of multiplier as everything else in the game, 200% crit multi = 2x damage) is 200%, so the bonus bit is 100%. If you have 100% reduced bonus damage from crits that bonus is multiplied by 0.

He’s wrong. Sorry. You’ll still be crit, but only for x1 the normal damage.


So it’s a crit that does normal damage, right?

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