Health pool is too low, that mean character’s base health, suffix, idol and any thing that can increase health are not enough. My suggestion are:
- character’s base health (from level) need a buff
For now character’s base health is level*9, that is 900hp at level 100. Maybe it can be buff to 1800? Or if other hp source buff enough 900 is fine.
For now Vitality give +6hp/each, i think it can be changed to +1%hp.
For now there are 3 type hp mod, at T7(body armour) that is “+174~225” “+30%~36%” and “+106~135 & +8%~10%”(T7 boot Hybrid Health). Number itself is all fine, but if passive don’t give +x%hp or something buffed, suffix need a buff (maybe x1.5).
For now most point only give +10hp or +2%hp, obviously it is not enough, buff the number to +20hp or +4%hp.
4.Endurance and Endurance Threshold
For now base number are 20% and 20%max_hp, that mean if under 20%hp you have 20% less damage taken. But low hp pool cause endurance system is USELESS at most situation.
Most build have 3k~4k hp for now, even if you have 60% endurance and 100%max_hp endurance threshold, that mean EHP is (3k~4k)/0.4=7.5k~10k. Number itself looks very good…but endur/endur threshold/hp/hp% are all suffix (resistance also suffix too), and it is impossibly to get 3k+hp and 60%endur and “enough” endur threshold.
All suffix that give Endurance Threshold at T7 are:
Helmet, Gloves, Belt, Ring, Relic: 141 to 185
Other Gear are not give Endurance Threshold
So, totally you ONLY can have 705~925… if you have 3000 max hp than you have 30000.2+925=1525 Endurance Threshold which is ONLY 50.8%hp, so EHP(at 60%endur) is 3000(1-0.508)+3000*0.508/0.4=5286…
For these reason Endurance system is USELESS (but the idea itself is fine). Change base Endurance Threshold from 20% to 35%(same as low life) first, and more source for Endurance Threshold. The goal is player can hit 100% or near 100% max_hp threshold and 60% lesss (or you can rise the cap to 80% or 90%).
- Summary
Change all source to get +3000hp and +100%hp at least.
Change all source Endurance Threshold to hit near 100% max_hp. maybe can rise the cap form 60% to 80%(90%)
On the other hand, “x% of Missing Health gained as Ward per second” need to change. lower the number directly or change “Missing Health” to “Current Health” or “ward decay over time” or something.