Health bars do not display correctly

The “Display health bars over players” setting doesn’t work anymore. It doesn’t make a difference if I check or uncheck it. It makes the game unplayable on ward builds because it’s pretty much impossible to know how much damage you are taking and if you’re about to die. I stopped playing the game because of this bug. That was about a month ago now when it first happened I think. It’s pretty sad that it’s STILL not fixed… From what I’ve heard it’s an offline only issue and if it is SOOOO difficult to fix you could at least give offline players the option to play on old patches so we don’t have to deal with this bug.

Soon the new PoE league comes out and then we’ll be playing that for a while. I would have hoped to get some play time in last epoch inbetween poe leagues but this bug makes the game unplayable to me and online play seems to be even worse from what I’ve heard and seen…