Health bar on player always on [option is off]

Health bar is permanently displayed over character [Rogue] no matter what I select in the option menu. →
DxDiag.txt (76.6 KB)
Player.log (119.0 KB)

Because it’s similar enough, I’m gonna add it here:

Ward and HP bar visibility bug:

Detailed description:

When I log into the game, I have to toggle the “Display Health Bars over Players” setting to “off” and then to “on” again, to be able to see my ward. But then it shows my HP bar twice. This is particularly sensitive to my play-style, as I have “Shroud of Obscurity” equipped. I need to see my ward.

What were you doing at the time?

I have just logged in. Nothing else. The problem persists throughout the session.


  1. Log in with setting: health bars on. Have perma-ward, but no ward visible.
  2. Disable health bar over player. Still visible.
  3. Re-enable health bars setting. Ward and double HP bar now visible.

How consistently does this happen?

Always, since I enabled HP bars.

Operating System:

OS: Windows 10 (64bit) Home
Steam, 10 dec 2020 build.

have the same exact issue.

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