Healing hands on Forge guard as a movement skill

EDIT- I play steam deck .

Does anyone who plays forge guard try and utilize healing hands as a movement skill but it always sends you in the wrong direction?
Is anyone else having this problem?
It’s like it’s not made well I can’t imagine it’s ment to send you the direction your facing instead of the direction you want to go .
Can you please change it to the direction you want to go rather then the direction your facing how else are we supposed to utilize immune to damage skill node if it literally impossible to use properly…
I’ve failed the lightless arbor dungeon t4 4 times in a row because it always sends me into the wrong direction and then I get hit with the beams .

Been using this for a while, and it never happened for it to send me the wrong direction.
It goes exactly where your mouse was pointed at the time you used it, like point-target.
Only problem I have is sometimes Healing Hands travels longer than it was meant to, as if I’m hold-pressing Shield Rush.

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I have never seen this issue, I play with mouse/keyboard.

My one gripe with HH though is that I would prefer that the length of its’ travel was based on how long you held the HH button down, rather than the current system which is the length of travel is decided by how far away from you your cursor is. I find more often than not my HH travels too short, because of cursor placement. Somewhat opposite of @F0lk 's complaint :stuck_out_tongue:


Sorry I meant to clarify I play steam deck .

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OK, it may be a good idea to edit the forum post and select “bug reports” rather than feedback/suggestions. I think you can change the topic still, sounds like an issue with joystick / steamdeck / gamepad

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I would also prefer that… If they don’t want people zooming around with HH as if it was Shield Rush, at least they could make HH hold-cast with a fixed maximum distance allowed.

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The reason why I put in suggestions because I believe it to be for the reason it sends you in the direction you point and click aka mouse movement, but I suggest that they switch the steam deck movement to where you holding your joystick the direction you want to go.
Cause I don’t believe it to be a bug it’s just how it’s currently been customized for mouse play rather then steam deck. And the suggestion is to optimize the function for joystick .