Having 15 Classes is a Good Reason for A Campaign Skip

You don’t need to do the entire campaign, even without any dungeon skips and only doing Chapter 1-Chapter 7(minimum necessary to get all passives and idols) it will take 3-5 hours with a little bit of pratices. And we are still not talking “speedrunning”.

I appreciate your clarification (and cadence) but would I still have access to the CoF Prophecy Room and Bazaar without getting to Act 9? I know I will still be in the faction but would the waypoint to go and buy prophesies be locked?

Also the time to get through Act 7 for me has been much longer than 5 hours (more like 9/10). I will take your word for the timing though and research the fastest pathing then.

For secondary characters with the dungeon skip mechanic it’s 2-3 hours, yes.

You’ll skip over to Act 9 mostly, only having to do a few side-quests, hence accessing that area directly. Also Act 9 itself is 20 minutes or so, worthwhile to do because of the stat boost at the end… but not needed.

At your first character you’ll obviously take a lot longer, but with growing experience and knowledge where stuff’s happening it’ll turn down by a lot.

Not to speak of the devs actively working on streamlining the skip-mechanics a bit more.

Also take into consideration that these types of games are meant to be played over several cycles, not a single one. 2-3 classes per cycle at most can be expected from a player, everything beyond that is excessive time investment already for the vast majority of people.
It’s made this way to allow higher retention times, leading to having a fresh experience whenever you return again.

And no, you don’t need to experience the whole content at once and in as little time as possible, enjoy the ride, isn’t it better if it lasts longer with enjoyment behind it after all?

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That’s fair, you bring up a good point in the cycles. I forgot they are doing that. I look forward to the more streamlined dungeon mechanic. Until then, I will just enjoy the ride. I am just eager to get to the “meat” of each class but you’re right, there is no need to Blatt through to it. The game not going anywhere lol.

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To be honest this way of Argumentation didn’t help your point at all. Quite the opposite.

The character and build you play comes together super quick in LE, so much so that you have a fully functional build for the most part within the first 1-2 hours. Even If one of the skills you plan to use comes extremely late in progression e.g. 30 points into the mastery it will maybe take 3 hours.

"getting into the meat of the character is one thing that LE does better than any other aRPG.

already mentioned that too, see Alternate leveling path

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No friends, no job ? Well, then where’s the problem ?

I hope the irony is there. ö.Ö

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Argumentation is a poor word as my previous reply was a concession, the rest of your point after that is irrelevant to the core of what my post was getting at.

Dude, thank you! This is the best reply and the only one to actually understand what I was even posting for. I am only mad that your post did not show up when I was searching for similar posts prior to making mine. You said it much better than I did anyways.

Campaign is maybe 5-10h the first time, on your alts you can skip most of it and do it in a couple of hours - the campaign brings the game together, and i honestly think the entire game would lose its soul if u were able to skip campaign. So hopefully this is never gonna be an option, D4 lost its soul after removing the campaign aswell, it was the only thing they had done well in the game.

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First time I did the dungeon skip, it was very fast, even under 3h. My advice - just don’t do the Lightless Arbor (first available skip), for me it’s too much of a hassle at very low level…

Luckily there is an easy solution to this: you continue playing the story with every alt because you want it. And everyone who doesn’t like to play the story 10 times can just skip it.

In general, I’ve seen this in this forum quite a few times. Someone suggests something, an improvement or an alternate way of doing things, and people are like “ooooh no, it ruins the game, just play it the game as I do and you don’t need to change anything”. I mean seriously? Only because some people are happy with the story it doesn’t mean that everyone else has to too.

And now comes the shocking surprise: when offering alternate ways of doing things, NO ONE has to change their style of playing. You like the story? Play it. I don’t like it, so I skip it. Why do people always have to vote against something they don’t have any disadvantages from? Just don’t try to force your opinion to other people, just accept that there are multiple ways of doing things and those multiple ways can be parallel to each other without any interference, and everyone is happy.


That is completely your opinion nothing else and you used a key word in your post: “option” meaning you don’t have to use it. Why restrict other people? I have more than 1200 hours in this game, done the campaign at least 15 times and would love the opportunity to skip it. I don’t get why you people want to stick up for the game the way it is? Other options are always a good thing. It harms no one and you can always play the campaign if that’s your personal desire.


I think discussions would be better served if we could avoid that argument. Not “having to” use it doesn’t mean it’s better for the option to be there. Often times it’s better not to give the option. Would the game be better if you had an option that you can activate and deactivate at will to triple the amount of loot, or to make your character invulnerable? It’s just an option after all…

Plus, games tend to evolve to take into account that you are likely to use the available options, making them not so optional in the end.

I’m sorry but that is a ridiculous analogy. Many other games of this type allow you to skip the campaign after you have completed it at least once. None of them offer a “triple the loot” option. Lost Epoch is simply behind the times in this regard

Many games do and many games don’t. This isn’t a behind the times issue. It’s a game identity issue and the players they want playing their game.
In any case, this is a moot point because LE DOES let you skip the campaign. It just doesn’t let you skip everything YET. As has been pointed out before in both this thread and the many many many other threads about it (because people can’t be bothered to search), this will change in the future. And yet, even now, you CAN skip most of the campaign.

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I am not saying that it’s a bad idea to improve the alternative to going through the campaign. In fact I am all for it.
What I am saying is that “it’s just an option” is at best a very flawed argument and at worse a dishonest one. It can be used to argue for anything, even if it’s significantly harmful to the game. It’s not the first time you are using it, and if you keep using it to push this “just give me what I want” attitude, you are going to be labelled as a dishonest interlocutor.

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You’re hilarious! Skipping the campaign gives you no advantage whatsoever. and BTW you can label me whatever the hell you want. I’m far too old to care what people on a game forum think of me

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I vote skippable after 2 completions. Or 1 or 3 . 5th time was a little stale… really like alts to be slightly lesa hassle to min max. 3-5 weeks gear progession is way plentiful imho.

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There is literally a checkbox on every single character you create in D4 asking whether you want to skip the campaign. It’s 100% optional.

Personally I’ll get bored if I have to rerun the campaign every single season. The skip offered now isn’t much of a skip since it doesn’t open the map and there are all the mandatory side quests.