Haruspax Orian is too hard!

I am currently in my first 5 minutes of playing the game, and I walk up to this big bird dude, and I see a red area on the ground…and thats it! I die, and ive been doing this for the past hour, and every time I walk up to him and kill the mobs before him, the red circle of doom pops up and kills me! Why does he do so much damage? Idk man, doesnt seem balanced to me! Nerf Big Birdo! Please so I can continue with the story!

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Same here man, how am I supposed to enjoy a game I have to think really hard about?

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I felt the opposite actually, I think I was doing too much damage, even with my my 2000 damage forcefully nerfed to 70, I still feel like that’s game breaking damage. I should be doing 1/99999999th that damage so that this fight takes an entire day to complete so that I can finally make use of those 10 hour epic fight music playlists on youtube.


Jeez when you think of it like that…but that would require me to survive his first attack!

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took me many months to beat thaT bird, lots of brutal grind, and farming, but finally after 5,000 hours later I prevailed.


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