Harbingers of Ruin: What's New?

Do crabs and bees get along?

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Thanks for DDR change!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:
Im looking forward to playing with new system.

NICEEEEEE! I cant wait!

fantastic work! Last Epoch dev team smashing it out of the park every time. keep it lads!

Marrow Shards being used in the trailer?! On top of balance changes?! And new uniques looking spicy?! WAOW!!

Anyways, how would Nemesis system work in co-op/multiplayer? Like, what if one guy wanted to Empower and one guy wanted to do something else with it? Are rewards different per player? Is it randomized for everyone aside from the party leader like how rewards are random in co-op Monolith, etc. Stuff like that.

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Very good question. Id love to know the answer to this as well. Since my wife and i play in a party more often than we play solo.

This all sounds exciting to me and I cant wait!

This is all great, but I’m sure you’re aware that the state of the classes isn’t good at the moment. Many are missing skills, and some (like Shaman) have barely any synergy between the passive tree and the skill trees. I’m glad we’re seeing the new systems coming in 1.1, but can we get an announcement on class balance changes/sweeping overhauls. Of note: Shaman, Forge Guard, Marksman (outside of a niche build that’s basically a Falconer), and Sorcerer all feel bad to play in comparison with the other masteries for their class.

That would either be in the “hype week” (I hate the term) &/or patch notes when they go through the changes in more detail including stuff not already listed.

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Yeah, I figured that’s where it would be at. I also hate “hype week” as a term. I just hope there’s some acknowledgement prior to patch notes haha.

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There will be, in the week-that-must-not-be-spoken-off-by-people-of-culture.


Well, the devs did say that last time they did a “hype week” and this time they won’t do it. We just had a big post (this one) and we’ll get another one in the next few days for QoL and balance changes.
So they skipped it this time.


Shaman and Forge guard gonna get some love. And in passive tree for sure

Looks awesome! I especially like the crab ring. As a necromancer enjoyer, I always like seeing a new minion to add to my arsenal.


Pog hope to see UI improvements to MG and all other good stuff real soon

Ya, waiting for bazaar filters improvement
Some changes in loot filter will be nice too

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I’d say at this point we just feel different about this. I really did like that, because it gives the Gambling-Mechanic a twist and adds to the dungeons by making the decision of running around and killing everything and by this risking to die, or say at one point stop, you’re happy with the amount. I still go as far and argue the real issue here is that the dungeons itself (like layout and how much they embrace the mechanic) needs to be done better/more exciting.

Obviously these needs to be fine-tuned correctly.

Which i would be fine with and find a totally good idea.

Which was my point tbh… they need to make the dungeon more engaging and there are a few stuff which can be done.

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Some patch notes would be super awesome. Prep for cycle 2…which starts next week… :stuck_out_tongue:

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They should be with us a few days before.