Harbingers of Ruin: What's New?

its a little bit hidden, but if you look at the gif under the nemesis headline, there is a small stash icon when prompted to place an item

Regarding the glyph:
if you just want it for the craft, you can dump the stability in whichever monolith you want. It’s an extra and definitely easy to switch monos.
If you just want it for the stability, then you can just dump it on any item. You might even get something good out of it. It’s just an extra.
The crafting effect seems to be kinda niche anyway, not something you’d usually want to do. Like the glyph of chaos, it has it’s uses, but it’s not something you’ll be doing all the time.

Regarding the needle: it’s not that different from the Cuckoo unique, or even from the Merophage. Both require you to keep them in mind and either check what the cuckoo rolled and go back to your relic or remember that you have a Merophage equipped and not shatter any 2h swords.
And it’s pretty much also similar to Weaver’s Will uniques: you have to equip them and level them to see what affixes you get.
Some might not like that, but it’s not something new at this point.

I genuinely don’t see why these things are not two separate items. Why should we have to choose? The Glyph effect itself seems interesting enough to stand out on its own despite being niche, and the stability boosting is something that we’ve been asking for for ages, so it can obviously stand on its own.

I hadn’t thought of it that way, but I guess that makes sense. I do think that it would be better as some kind of consumable, though.

I think it’s a unique twist.
You basically always want to get the stability boost. That part will never go to waste. The only part you might not use is the crafting part because it has niche uses and you won’t be using it on most gear.

Damn, thats awesome! Cant wait for the release…

:scream: hyped

the “awkward” part is definitely something I feel as well…

I get that the glyph allows you to re-roll the other affixes, basically the antithesis of how the glyph of chaos works, but what does a “Glyph of Envy” have to do with stabilizing a timeline?

Seems to me like they had planned to boost item crafting with the “Glyph of Envy” and decided to bolt-on at the last minute a timeline component to address another issue that came up during end-game post launch.

I think it would feel less “awkward” if they decoupled the timeline stability feature from the glyph of Envy and instead made it a feature of the monolith. When you are inside any monolith, if you use runes of shattering on items, the total number of shards that you would collect are instead sacrificed to stabilize that monolith timeline.


Oh my… :o

Event Horizon Surge Spellblade, anyone? Bring on the oneshots!

Or Shadow Daggers (which has the melee tag), it’d be slow AF but hit so hard…

On the glyph:

[…] and the changes cannot result in affixes above tier 5.

If I interpret this correctly, it means that the output of the glyph will never result in an exalted item (even if you used in on an exalted item).

If this is the case, it will be completely and utterly useless for crafting anything beyond starter gear.
If this is the case, I really do not understand the rationale behind this.
Getting starter gear was never a problem, why are we getting more ways of getting non-exalted gear?

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I really need that ravaging aura scepter.

And its probably stuck behind some lameo new boss. I am gonna need to farm forever on cof for that!

Amazing! Super stoked for the incoming changes!

Really sorry to bring this up again… but is there a chance we can adjust font size in 1.1? I did notice it was killing my eyes when I was playing last epoch during the winter and I’d really hate for it to ruin my experience. I really like what’s coming too! I just don’t enjoy the really tiny text though.

Freeze, contrary to stun, is not based on hit damage. This essentially nerfs the ability to freeze by 50%.

What is the argumentation here? It is not really explained in the paragraph while for stun the reason seems to be clear an logical.

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Hype hype hype!

Some interesting additions to the game. I’m far too casual to care about pinnacle bosses, but almost everything else sounds good.

It does concern me a bit to see reworks of existing mechanics still happening even after the game left early access. I’m not talking about the harbingers - that’s the kind of content to be expected after release. Rather, I’m talking about the new evade mechanic and the changes to boss defense. This kind of overhaul leaves room for big changes that could negatively impact the game in the future, like adding a WASD control scheme.

This feels like the kind of thing that at worst should have been done in early access, and at best that could be tested in a larger scope by using a testing server (like Diablo’s PTR).

Everyone unanimously hated the previous system for boss defence, DRR. And adding new content after release isn’t a bad thing … Oh no! We got new features! Evade is going to be great.

I dunno, while i get where you’re coming from, from my personal view one things which i really like about Last Epoch is, that a lot of the stuff they offer have a certain spin to it. They could’ve gone the simplistic and streamlined way, but that would mean that they are pretty much as any other game.

Simplistic Skilltree, simplistic crafting, simplistic lootfilter, simplistic idol-system where you would’ve 3 different sizes of charms which you keep in your standart inventory instead the own inventory with a little tetris twist…
Heck they Key-Dungeon concept reminds me of Grim Dawn Roguelike-Dungeons which is one of my favorite Aspects of the Game, and while i personally would argue that the dungeons and layouts itself in Grim Dawn are better (which is why i hope they will get someday a bit of an rework) → the fact that each dungeons has their own unique keymechanic plus reward-mechanic really gives it extra spice compared to the standart → go into to get more lootdrop from monster and bosses.

So i really honestly appreciate what they’ve done here… a glypth to interwine crafting which is one of the core pillars of the game, with the monolith instability mechanic. The Harbringers Needle which gives the Idol another layer to it, to not just be another stat-stacking gear-element but give it a new unique mechanic, which in the future could be expanded on.

I do agree on the last point tho, but it seems EHG already thought about the issue and added stash access.

#Topic: Sounds Great so far, can’t wait =D Also excited for the QoL Stuff you mentioned.

I am so freakin HYPED!