Harbingers of Ruin: What's New?

This post doesn’t include any of the balance changes that are coming.


:crab: hype

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Will these small extra gaze idols be tradable? If so they might feel mandatory to use and gaining gaze the normal way will be a non mechanic.

Theory crafters UNITE


I can’t wait to summon crabs upon me mistress … I mean, enemies…


Im already back to theory crafting

if youre on steam deck you can map anything to anything .

You would think but it is really wonky with this game.

:love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture: :love_you_gesture:
guys took ggg crash course :+1:

Your editors know how to edit a trailer. Well done.


This looks so dang good! Can’t wait to jump back in.

Looking forward to the patch, these changes seem great!

Seeing the new quiver, will there be some quality of life to black quiver itself, or is the unique the QOL for the skill?

What a nice epoch to be alive \o/

Seeing the new quiver, will there be some quality of life to black quiver itself, or is the unique the QOL for the skill?

There’s a Dark Quiver rework planned, but it’s not included in 1.1.

Edit: Black Arrow duration will be shown in the buff UI in 1.1 though.


I am very excited.

More oneshots to come! yay! :wink:

Looks like we have a good amount of new toys to play with, can’t wait to try the new content !

The Glyph of Envy, Harbinger’s Needle, and Egg of the Forgotten feel really awkward at a glance. I like what all of these items provide, but the implementation feels weird.

For the Glyph - So now stability is inexplicably tied to a specific crafting item…? If I’m understanding this correctly, then it’s going to be a rare item. If I want to use it for its intended crafting purpose, then I should save it for an ideal item, but then I’m not using it for its intended stability boosting purpose. If I want to use it for it’s stability boosting purpose, then I should be using it on any item to progress through stability faster, but now I’m wasting the crafting purpose.

For the Needle - So now I need to either equip this “useless” idol and forego useful stats on my character, or I have to hold this thing in my inventory all of the time and then hopefully remember to equip it before I kill a timeline boss. Oh, and if I decide to play a different character and I’ve forgotten to put the Needle in my stash now I have swap back and forth, which sounds tedious.

For the Egg - I really like what this item offers, but now I need to remember to carry around a rare item I’d want to upgrade in the chance I run into a Nemesis with the egg? It also has the same tedious issue of character swapping. I feel like there should be a “Nemesis Cache” that functions similarly to a stash tab that you can put items into, and when you run into a Nemesis you can choose items from that cache or from your inventory. EDIT: Apparently you will have stash access when choosing an item for the egg. Fantastic!

Like I said, I really like what all of these items are trying to achieve. They’re all things that have been on my wishlist since I’ve started playing. I will reserve final judgement until I get my hands on the patch, however, my gut feeling is that interacting with these new items is going to feel pretty clunky.

Regardless, I’m super excited for 1.1! The Nemesis system, Harbingers, and Pinnacle Boss sound really cool, and I’m eager to hear about all the balance changes in the next blog.


At least for the egg one: Mike said on Discord that the egg will bring up temporary access to your stash, so we don’t need to carry around an item. :slight_smile:

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Oh, that’s great to hear! Definitely something that’s worth mentioning in the blog post.