Hammer Throw - Mana Starved Forging Node Not Working


As the title suggests, the Mana Starved Forging node within Hammer Throw doesn’t seem to work. When going below zero mana, you’re forced to wait until you reach 1 mana again before being able to re-cast.

However, there does seem to be random instances where I can get it to work, though it’s not consistent at all, and usually involves me unequipping and re-equipping random items from my character until it works, with no real visible pattern to what does and doesn’t work. These items don’t have to have anything to do with Hammer Throw itself, often sharing no affixes that directly or indirectly affect the spell itself.

It may be worth noting that any attempts to get it to work properly are reset upon entering a new instance, and the items that I ended up un-equipping / re-equipping to get it to work one time did not always work the next time around.

Here’s a video I managed to capture of the random behaviour:

The negative mana is what gets me on this. Even without the node, and should be fixed also. The mechanics seem to allow to go negative without the node, which should be just 0 instead? Seems odd.

Not exactly. Going below 0 mana, and into the negatives, is a regular feature with all resource spenders.

Ah, I see. Found their answer on Kickstarter FAQ page:

Why do you allow for negative mana?

Being out of mana and not being able to cast anything sucks. Waiting for your big super mode transform skill to come off cooldown sucks. In Last Epoch, very few skills have a cooldown. In order to not have cooldowns, we had to make some spells cost a lot of mana. Like I said earlier, being oom and not being able to cast, sucks. To give you useful options while trying to regain mana, some spells are stylized like cantrips. Spells that cost nothing and can be used frequently. Cantrips are free so they can be cost while at 0 mana. We found that it was still a little awkward to tell when you were actually back up to enough mana to cast a big one again. So we said that as long as you have any mana, you can cast any spell. You still have to regen up the difference before you can use another skill but now it’s much more clear that all you can really do is cast cantrips.

The problem has been in the game for over a month from what I can tell. They have put out patches after this was made aware to them and nothing yet. They dont reply to any of the posts about it any more so its probably not getting fixed any time soon.

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