Ground Item tooltip keeps disappearing

I have encountered this bug before during the first day I play the game, I was unable to re-create the bug. I encountered the bug again today.

Ground item tooltip was NOT disabled. However the items are not showing. I had to press “Z” two times and in the chatbox it shows “Ground Item Tooltips Hidden” first, then “Ground Item Tooltips Visible” before the items start to appear again on screen.

It is rare for this scenario to happen. I do not know what triggers it. Will try to remember the exact steps taken the next time. This time it happened in Sapphire Quarter map during the story campaign. The bug has occurred in the past in other maps.

Edit: Continued with the game, realised that I faced the bug again in Barren Aqueduct. It did not cross my mind cuz I can still see gold on the floor (I could not even see gold in the previous post above). As I moved to the next map, Necropolis Of The Deep, I thought it was weird that I did not pick up any item at all, not even 1 shard. So I went ahead and press “Z” two times again, and it shows the items on the floor again. There was nothing in particular that I did to trigger this bug.

Edit 2: Went to the next map, switched off the game. Trying to upload the log files here now. Player-prev.log (45.6 KB)

Do you have a loot filter currently active? If so, could you provide an image of what filters you are currently using? Thanks :]

Just fyi, this happens to me as well, though not lately.

It happens (happened) even when I had no filter active.

Would also like to note that this happens to me. I had no loot filter, then applied a very basic loot filter (hiding affixes at the lowest level and then showing about 76 of them directly above). After the loot filter was established, it worked for a zone, then noticed I wasn’t getting any drops. Had to hit Z multiple times (basically every other pack). Got nervous, disabled loot filter and it still happened for a few areas. After a crash and no loot filter applied, it seems to all be working again.

If I remember correctly, I was using a loot filter provided by Heavyz found in another thread in the forum. I have been using a loot filter I made myself now and have not encounter this bug ever since. It may not be related to the loot filter I copied from that thread. I still am unable to re-create the steps to reach this bug. Will pay attention to it and try to remember what steps taken to reach this bug. As of now, I am unable to provide more information.

I have an update.

I have been using my own self-made Loot Filter. The bug was then triggered when I made changes to the Loot Filter.

Changes made include:
Added 1 new rule
Deleted existing rule(s).
Made update to existing rules.

I am not sure what which exact rule triggered the bug, but I am pretty sure the bug occured when I made changes to the loot filter. Will try to pay attention to what specific changes trigger the bug next time.

What rules did you make changes to? Did any of them involve Uniques?

Ground items also disappear when you teleport to town. Upon return through portal, the items are now gone.

This is a known issue, we’re tracking this internally!

That’s a technical issue that will be “fixed” when they rework how levels are done with multiplayer.

Hey there, I have found good progress with this bug.

I did not make changes to rules involving Uniques, I only have one rule with Uniques which is to always show Unique, Set, and Exalted items as the top rule. If anything, I added in a hide rule above this rule that day.

Update on the bug:
This require the loot filter to have the ‘Hide’ Function on whatever items.
Step 1: Have Loot Filter hide certain items
Step 2: Have Loot Filter Show/Recolor certain items
Assumption: 10 items on the floor, 3 are shown, 7 are hidden
Step 3: Press Z to hide all items tooltip
Step 4: Press X / Hold X and release to use the temporary disable Loot Filter function
Step 5: Press Z to show all items tooltip again
Step 6: The 3 items that are initially shown will be shown again
Step 7: Pressing X / Holding X and release now will NO longer show the 7 hidden items
Step 8: Pressing Z twice will still NOT show the 7 hidden items
Step 9: In order to fix this, hold down X and press Z twice (to hide all items and show again)
Step 10: All items can be seen again

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