Graphics Settings "Master Quality" intertwined with Texture Quality

This is somewhat between ridiculous design and an actual bug:

There is no extra settings button for adjusting texture resolution, instead it is hidden in the “master quality” settings button.

A lot of users (especially 144 and 4k) will have to set master quality to ultra and then set all the (unoptimized) “killer options” which are found further below in the settings-menu to lower values (lightning, occlussion etc) to get the best result.

On a second thought, one might think that “Terrain Quality” should adjust terrain texture resolution: However, it doesn’t.
I couldn’t figure out what terrain quality actually does. It’s also confusing that master quality to “ultra” will set terrain quality to “512MB” (which is low?) and master quality to “very low” will set terrain quality to “unlimited” (which is high?, at least hypothetically… again: I can’t see any visual difference caused by Terrain Quality)

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I noticed that two. And it seems they are backwards when you use Master Quality preset from Very Low to Ultra. (And the texture seems to prove that)

Unlimited = 512MB
8192 = 1gb
4096 = 2gb
2048 = 4gb
1024 = 8gb
512 = unlimited

But the “Master quality” is the only way it will alter in-game terrain quality.
If you change terrain quality manually only resetting all the game to function (I think).

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