God Hunter Argentus Shard drop rate, questionable

Ok so farming for the shard from the god hunter argentus, i have currently completed 58 runs.

I have not seen a single shard, just 58 swords.

The drop chance from what i can find and read is 15% for the shard, thats on either empowered or normal, it does not change, i have already checked with LonestarMcfluffin, and also read it.

I have done 10 of the empowered tinelines & 48 of the normal timelines, now i am not the greatest mathmatician in the world, but even i can work out thats not a 15% chance drop.

Is it bugged? Is the drop chance not 15% but really much lower?

At this point its becoming boring, and all it makes me want to do is exit the game.

Before the white knights arrive saying there are oither timelines, yes i know, but the drop from argentus is what i need to finish my build, and lets face it apart from monolith, there is nothing else to do.

I’ll look into this today and see if there is anything fishy going on with the drop rate.

If you ever feel like there is a bug, feel free to post on Bug Report section on forums. We will check it out.

Thank you.

Pretty sure it only drops in empowered, so it’s only 10 runs where it can drop. I just got the chest piece, so it’s definitely not only the sword that can drop

No, I got it from a normal timeline, not empowered

No, the relic is the 15% chance to drop item from normal, the sword has an 85% chance to drop from normal. The empowered-only drop is the Wings of Argentus.

Not seeing a single relic in 58 attempts is extremely improbable (99.992% chance to get 1 relic in 58 attempts).

Can it be that his Loot Filter hides ALL relics?

My loot filter filter is set to show all set pieces & uniques, easy gold.

I’m trying to get the Shard & the chest, I hope it doesn’t take as long as that to get them.

Is the Chest piece drop rate the same as the shard in empowered, or is it lower?

i got the chest piece after 2 empowered timelines, which is what is leading me to believe there is something wonky with the shard.

It definitely seems to be working correctly. I got the Fragments of the Shattered Lance after my 6th attempt which is in line with a 15% drop rate.

Are you doing anything wonky after you see the boss loot drop like quickly closing the game or exiting the client?

No, i check the loot that drops, i even started pressing X to disable the filter so it shows anything hidden, thats how much it is now bothering me.

Are you interacting with the blessing pop up and exiting through a green portal after the boss dies?

The chest has a 10% chance to drop (in addition to the sword/relic) in the empowered monolith.

Yes i am, i either stick with my current blessing or change it, depends what pops up.

Then when i have done this, checked the loot, pressed X to check any hidden loot, i open a portal and ext the timeline, and start again, 58 more times :slightly_smiling_face:

I am going to move this thread into Bug reports.

Please post your player.log


One would hope you’ve got the BiS blessing for whatever build you’re using at least…

Its just drop items from that timeline, so i just switch it up for fun most of the time.

Player.log (365.8 KB)

This is after run 59 with no shard by the way. Its getting old fast.

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Run 60, im done, something is broken. Hopefully its sorted by next patch, see you then.