Glyph System Optimal Strategy, and a Glyph Suggestion

Hey, enjoying the game so far (leveled 2 characters into Monoliths with another in the works), and having messed with the crafting system I’m really excited by what’s there so far in terms of its risk/reward and approachability, but I’m unsatisfied by the decision-making opportunities offered by Glyphs: right now, it seems that my entire crafting process is determined by a simple heuristic:
Is Fracture chance for a given craft >80% Minor? Spam Glyph of Stability; if not, use Glyph of The Guardian until Fracture occurs.

While the nuances of crafting a particular item might vary (E.G. if a dropped item has a high-tier +1 skill Affix I sometimes use a Guardian early on rather than a Stability, to ensure no Fracture for a highly-desirable +2), I’ve never found myself deviating from this heuristic to any significant degree, turning Glyph use into a rote exercise rather than something dynamic; for, even if my heuristic is statistically flawed, as Glyphs are currently implemented it seems that someone cleverer than me has probably already determined the Instability breakpoint at which Guardian use becomes ideal. As Last Epoch gains a larger community, I’m worried that, given the current Glyph roster, an optimal strategy will emerge that is too simple to be interesting to engage with.

In light of this, one Glyph I’d like to see that’d change my crafting decision-making is a Glyph that does the following: makes it so that if a Fracture occurs, the chosen Shard Affix is still applied, but all Minor Fracture chance is converted to Damaging Fracture chance. Sometimes when I’m crafting an item with high Instability I really want to get the final craftable Affix tier, but given your dedication to making perfect items difficult to achieve, the conversion of Minor Fracture chance to Damaging would ensure that the guaranteed mod addition would be offset by a guarantee that, if Fracture occurs, some other mod will be downgraded (perhaps even that of the added mod itself!)

Or use Stability >75% and move the curve up without needing a new type of shard?

Yup, use stability as long as you can (ie, to 25% fracture chance) then swap to guardian.

The devs have said they have more glyph/rune ideas to implement.

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