Glyph of Hope broken?

I honestly cannot remember if the cost was always variable like this.

I played back when items actually shattered if you hit 0 FP so it was REALLY different back then. Yeah you could actually destroy items if you pushed the crafting too far. Fun, eh?

Thank you for that information…
I’ve been playing since 4/21 and watched more videos than I can count on various aspects of the game. Mostly crafting and Monoliths. The information I have gained in this thread alone was more than all the crafting videos I’ve watched.

I have done it this way since beginning but sometimes you just need to up one more than the others or at least the priorities are uneven.
many of the videos will cite that if you have a run of low FP say, 4 or 5 rounds that you should switch to something you dont care about and craft on it until that big one (large FP) happens. Then switch back. But, yesterday, that just wasnt happening. Seemed everything I crafted maxed FP almost every time. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

This is known as praying to RNGeezuz… :slight_smile:

Although I will say this, often there IS a better way to do than evenly as I suggested. Although the “doing it evenly” approach has its merits, there is a much more pragmatic approach where you take the most valuable affix to tier 5 first because in your mind it MUST go to tier 5 or the item is not worth using.

Example: You are crafting boots that have:

tier 3 Move Speed
tier 2 your favourite affix (eg Strength)
tier 2 Hybrid Health

So pragmatic approach says… for this item to be great, Hybrid Health must be tier 5. So I craft that first, then see what’s left. If I get HH to tier 5 and there is only a small amount of FP left then I can just stop there and smash it because it is not going to be awesome. Hence you saved some Glyphs. If you had upgraded evenly you might have spent a lot more before deciding to abandon.

Fun this, isn’t it?

I’m serious. BY FAR the best crafting system in any ARPG I’ve played.

Wow man, thanks a lot. I’m crafting a lot the past days and probably did it a lot without the glyph. Some potentially good to great itens are gone.

That’s the kind of information I would like to see more easily, not discovering it by chance…

I know probably the game can’t confirm it officially, but they could make an announcement that they suspect the bug can happen…

Totally agree here. It’s a well designed system, with risks and good rewards.

When I am leveling I will sometimes use the level approach. When I am Min/Maxing for Monoliths I use your ‘pragmatic’ approach. Get health and offense up to max, if at any time the FP starts to run thin and its obvious the item isnt going to be what I expect then I ‘smash it’ as you say and try something else.
That is what kind of got to this thread. I used to Min/Max at least two out of four and the item was good enough until something much better dropped. But lately I’ve not even been able max one affix out. And that is starting with items that have 24+ FP to begin with. Anmything with 20 or less I dont even bother unless only one needs to be maxedd.

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