Glyph Of Chaos Critical Success? Please No!

While I don’t personally have a problem with the current system of the Chaos Glyph and a critical success, even with the small change Heavy mentions we’ll still be limited by the cost of using the Glyph (drop rate can be adjusted etc) and the number of conversion chances on a particular affix.

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I never suggested infinite re-roll.

I just suggested that a Glyph Of Chaos cannot increase tiers of affixes further than 1 with a crit.

If you have an Item with a undesired T1 affix and all other affixes are desired you have 4 chance to re-roll the affix.

Now all of the sudden you. Get 2 critical success during the process and you only have 2 shots at re-rolling.

That does not feel good and critical success should never feel like that.

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