Give us insides about 0.9

We are waiting 0.9 since march 18. Its been 8 month ago. And all we know about 0.9 - you will add multiplayer, and now its in closed test from 8 september. That’s all we know about MP and 0.9.
Give us some more information, open the veil of secrets about future updates, some new uniques, changes, classes, reworks, acts, etc. Warm up our interest, and don’t let us die of boredom waiting for the update. Give us anything :pensive: :pleading_face:

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didn’t see anything new

upd: nevermind, second link usefull, I missed it :slight_smile:

Yeah, Andrew is awesome at collating all of the leaks from Mike’s weekly streams.

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HoLA,esto te gustara: habilidades,skins,maestros del tiempo, objectos etc

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