Give us a WASD movement OPTION

More like a couple of days/weeks to make sure everything is tested and nothing broke. Not a couple of hours.

They will test if anything broke regardless of will they add this feature or not, don’t have to test it separately from other changes they are making.

You just keep saying things that show you really have no idea how programming works.

Again: if adding WASD was so simple as you say, LE would already have WASD implemented. So would PoE. So would Grim Dawn. So would Torchlight.
The fact that it isn’t in any of those games, and the fact that it took 3 seasons for Blizzard to implement it (and Blizzard has hundreds of programmers, so they could have spared one for a couple of hours at any time), clearly shows that you are just talking nonsense.

You’re like those people that hire a designer to create a new logo and say that it’s a simple thing and shouldn’t take longer than an hour (spoiler alert: it’s also not true).


That’s the thing, it’s amazed that they didn’t. I think it is mostly because how current ARPG population reacting to suggestions to implement WASD. Just like you, for example.

The ARPG population reacts more negatively to evade/dodge roll and all games are adding it, so that’s not the issue.
I have no issue with adding WASD as long as it’s not clearly superior and becomes effectively mandatory. As long as I can still play lazy builds with mouse only I’m happy.

The fact that those games haven’t added it yet is simply because it’s not just 1-2h to implement. As I told you before, it’s a change that impacts not only gameplay but also navigation.

In programming, especially in a game this complex, with so many systems interconnected, there are very very few things that are just 1-2h to code. Even changing text has to be done carefully, so you don’t get issues like you have currently with the unique Gambler’s fallacy, where text is overlayed over text.

Devs already said they want to add WASD. They also said it’s not an easy implementation. I trust that they know a lot more about it than you do.


Why? Just because you (or me, etc) really likes a thing doesn’t mean that it’s universally loved & desired.

Have you tried thinking about why that may be the case? Or whether there are other reasons to not have it?

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For the same reason why few years later basically all ARPG’s will have it — it just feels much better. Noone just wanted to try, because Blizzard chose this scheme for Diablo 1 log time ago, but it finally changes after GGG figured that it feels much better indeed.

I did. I think one of the most important reasons is that people have developed skill for moving with mouse and they don’t like idea that other people will play even more efficiently without developing this skill, and that it wasn’t necessary in the first place. Of course there could be bunch of other reasons too.

It has quite literally nothing to do with some perception of skill. What the fuck? I would stake my life on it. Literally, if there’s more than 30% of the “Don’t add WASD crowd” who don’t want it because “I worked hard to get good with mouse and some scrub is using WASD and is better than me!” I will end my life, and I don’t have a death wish. I’m just that confident that that is the dumbest take I’ve ever fucking heard.

As Llama and I both said in a previous post, Twin Stick (WASD + Mouse Targeting) is objectively superior to mouse control. Legitimately, there is no contest. It’s also MUCH more complicated to implement as DJSamhein has been trying to tell you (even pointing out that the game’s developers WANT to add WASD movement but haven’t because it’s fucking hard!) and as further proof, the developers ALSO said that they’d only add WASD if it wasn’t so strong it’d become mandatory for M&K players. Unfortunately for you, that is exactly what would happen if the Twin Stick style you want is added. The Twin Stick players will be so OP that playing with the current control scheme would actually be a handicap and the devs would be forced to balanced the game around it lest any WASD players become bored due to any lack of difficulty. (yes. Twin stick is that good). So they make the game balanced around WASD and mouse targeting. Suddenly, all the mouse players struggle to beat even story mode bosses because they can’t kite and attack like a WASD player can and they’re made to feel miserable. Mouse players are forced to play WASD, relegating the current control scheme to a niche challenge mode player base who want a more difficult experience.

That doesn’t sound like a good time to me. The best you’re going to get is “gamepad, but worse” where you’ll have 8-directional movement (W, A, S, D, WD, WA, SD, SA) instead of the full 360 degree movement of a joystick, and all your spells will fire in the direction the player is facing. Even this method of WASD will take weeks minimum to implement effectively because it’s not as simple as “one dev spending 2 hours tops”


I actually can implement it for myself for 5 minutes. Anyone who played Undecember with WASD knows how to do that.

Of course you can. That’s why you make thousands a year on a major studio.

EDIT: Also, Undecember is a clear example of what he was talking about, where WASD is clearly superior in terms of DPS vs using mouse. In Undecember there is no actual choice to use WASD or mouse because using the mouse is effectively a “Do less DPS” option.
Which is what EHG doesn’t want.


And that was using Unity wasn’t it?

You can check it in the beginning of this video, for example. You just rebind stick to WASD, that’s all. The difference is that Undecember don’t suppress mouse when joystick attached, why LE does.

Sadly my Russian is a bit rusty. But it sounds like you’re good to go either modding WASD into LE or mucking around with the dll files to do it. You’ll let us know how easy it was when you upload it to somewhere like Nexus?


Oh, sorry, I forgot it was in Russian. You just download XCE360 program and rebinding keys there, it’s super easy to do. Of course, devs would need to rebind keys inside their code instead and it would be different, but hey, if you are seriously believe that rebinding stick to WASD should take weeks, I don’t know what to say. Moreover, they don’t even have to do it, we could do it ourselves using that program for rebinding key. We just need mouse.

So it’s not actually adding WASD into the game & it’ll be an objectively worse joystick.

Still waiting for a mod for it since it’s trivial.


So you’re saying that because someone spent hundreds or thousands of hours creating an emulator, that it should only take 1h to implement?
That’s as dumb as saying that Microsoft already made Outlook, so creating a new email client should only take you 1h.

You really really have no clue how programming works, do you?


It’s really funny how you are pretending (or truly believe) that rebinding keys is so difficult :slight_smile:

But it doesn’t matter, at this point I am not even sure what we actually discussing here and why. I’m sure EGH will not implement WASD before POE 2 release, even more sure that EGH will implement it after, so what’s the point to discuss it, everything is already decided.

On the other hand, considering PoE2 won’t be around until late 2025, at best, I’m pretty sure WASD will be in LE before that.
I’m also pretty sure that PoE1 won’t have WASD at any time, despite the fact that it would be beneficial for the game and that “it would only take 1h”.

EDIT: What we’ve been arguing from the start has always been the same: you don’t understand how programming works.
What you’ve said so far is equivalent to saying “D4 should have a loot filter. LE already has one. It should take 1-2h tops to make one”.

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beta scheduled on this year (November, if I remember correctly), and after couple of months, it will be fully released. So it’s quite soon.

GGG has announced PoE2 as early as 2020. It keeps getting pushed back. I highly doubt it will be released before late 2025.

EDIT: It should also be noted that they had announced the beta for June before delaying it (yet again) and now they’re not calling it a beta but early access. So yeah, I wouldn’t hold my breath for early 2025. I wouldn’t even be surprised if it only came out in 2026.