Give us a WASD movement OPTION

It’s interesting how, besides thinking you know how coding works (see the “less than a hour for the one coder” comment), you also think you know what “all people who can’t bear playing with mouse” would want.

You really should apply to join EHG, considering how much you know.


Because it is obvious thing. People who don’t want to play because they don’t want to use click-to-move control scheme, will not have that problem if they will not have to use it. I am feeling like I am talking with like 5 years old children, honestly :slight_smile:

The devs probably feel the same way, but I’m sure it’s you who is right…

That’s because you aren’t where you think you are on the Dunning Kruger diagram. Don’t worry, everyone else who is where they think they are on it feels the same way.


They did.

I can’t wait to try out your game. If something like WASD only takes 1h, I expect if you start now your game should be ready in a couple weeks.


Oh, I have zero doubts about that :slight_smile: (not sure what that diagram and whatsoever, but I guess you just mean that many people think I’m stupid). For thinking otherwise, they would need to think about things a little bit, it would be naive to expect that most people will.

Ok, this is amazing. I’ll have to steal that line.

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No, he’s just pointing out that you’re saying dumb things because you don’t really understand how programming works.


Oh, then it is a good argument, you can apply it literally everywhere when you don’t have better arguments. “You just don’t understand it, because of Dunnung-Krugger effect”. Thinking, that earth is not flat? It’s Dunnung-Krugger effect, you just don’t know enough about astronomy.

I’m going to paraphrase Llama8 and say that you aren’t where you think you are in the Dunning-Kruger diagram in regard to understanding what the Dunning-Kruger effect is about.

As a programmer, I can tell you that everything you said just makes it apparent that you really have no idea how programming works. And the fact that you say with with such confidence despite having no clue only reinforces it and shows your position in the diagram.


In my view, you just don’t want to follow the common sense. If you compare changes I described with changes in any major or even most very minor update devs do, it’s quite obvious that it’s not even 1% of update, it’s really a simple thing to do, not much harder than rebinding keys. But you are saying, that even the simplest thing might be too hard to implement, well it’s an argument of the same level — you can say about anything “no, it is very very hard and complicated, you just wouldn’t understand why”. I am not gonna discuss anything at this level, it is not a meaningful discussion.

Sure it is.

I didn’t say that, I just said that very very few things are “just 1 hour for one coder”. Especially a system that is central in the game affecting not only gameplay but also navigation.
Just ignore the fact that one of the main senior developers said it’s not an easy thing to implement.
And ignore the fact that the devs already said they were going to implement WASD when they can and if it really were just “1h for one coder” it would have long been in the game. It would also already been implemented in PoE and every other ARPG.
So the fact that very few ARPGs so far have WASD controls might make you consider that maybe it’s not such an easy change.

But you do you. You’re smarter than everyone else and know more about the game than the devs do. As I said before, I can’t wait for your game to come out in a couple weeks.


Google is your friend.

No, it’s not about intelligence, it’s about skill/knowledge & confidence. Initially, one has lots of confidence in one’s skill/knowledge, but little actual skill/knowledge ('cause you’ve only just started whatever it is), as one progresses one realises just how little one knows/how low one’s skill is (the so-called valley of despair, but as one continues to do the thing, one gains skill/knowledge as well as an earned confidence in one’s own abilities.

Everyone is somewhere on the graph for every skill.

If you chose to take up programming as either a job or a hobby, you’d gradually progress through the various stages & you’d learn that stuff like this isn’t just a five minute/one hour/whatever short period of time task.


The thing you don’t seem to be getting is, that while yes, implementing a WASD movement based on the Joystick movement is not actually that complicated (it would still definitely take more than an hour). You’re now limited to 8-directional movement where a joystick has 360-degree movement, which is just “gamepad, but worse”, and that’s not even getting into the fact that adding mouse targeting is an entirely different control scheme than the joystick movement. The current joystick movement simulates clicking and holding the mouse around the character to have them move in that direction, the mouse is effectively locked to a circle around the character model and pointing the joystick just makes it click in that direction. All your spells fire in the direction you’re facing, same as with click-to-move. Most games with twin-stick style gameplay (what you’re wanting) already have WASD + mouse targeting style gameplay (or they’re designed with click-to-move & mouse targeting from the ground up ala MOBAs) and the joystick is just a port of WASD movement, or it’s inverted and the keyboard controls are a port of the joystick movement, and then convert that into WASD.

This is the reason people say you don’t know what you’re talking about. Implementing any movement change drastically changes how the game works and it’s either a worse joystick, or the entire game needs redesigned from the ground up.


Unless I’ve missed something, I don’t think that’s what he’s actually asking for…

He’s mentioned a few times about having “mouse targeting”, and “unhiding the mouse”, so I assume he wants to use WASD to move and aim with the mouse, which is effectively twin stick.


Ah, furry muff. If that’s the case, that would be objectively better than any other control scheme. It could, however, be that he wants to be able to use WASD to move (ala controller) but also be able to use the mouse in menues/inventory, which is what I thought he meant, rather than twin stick-ify LE (which I wouldn’t be aversed to, but would be a different kettle of fish).


I’m not inherently opposed to Twin-stick either, but like you said it’s objectively better than any other control method and would force players to use WASD. Because the only way to balance it is to make the game difficulty scale around twin-stick, making it much, much harder for the current control scheme, or they leave the difficulty scaled for mouse movement and it’s stupidly easy for twin-stick players.

The game just isn’t designed for it. Having WASD work like the joystick currently does though, is just a worse joystick with only having 8-directional movement. So if people are fine with using “gamepad, but worse”, then I don’t care if the devs add it. But if the intent is to add twin-stick style WASD, then I’m going to be disappointed because I prefer mouse-movement and that will just make the game harder for me (if they want twin-stick to be balanced).


This is my issue i have in hero siege. Every time i attempt to use point and click it just doesnt work well. The pathing while moving with point and click in HS is just crap compared to WASD movement pathing

I can also see this when me and my wife play HS together im using WASD she uses point to click. She tends to die far more often than i do due to not using WASD.

Twin stick WASD is something IMHO i dont want to see come to the game. For reaaon u already said.

Senior dev also said they dont want to add WASD in away that makes it the supior control scheme my gues is for this exact reason

Even games like dead cells elden ring suggest u play with a controler. U can play with M&K but ur just making the game harder on yourself.

In each my answer, I tried to explain as clear as i could, that this is what I am asking for :slight_smile:

D4 didn’t break after they added this feature, and many people like it. I don’t see why LE wouldn’t try it as well, they will have to do it anyway after POE 2 come out, because all LE players will try it, and many of them will not want to go back to mouse-to-move.

yes, maybe couple of hours. Still, it’s not like hundred of coders will work for months to implement, as people are saying when they are refering to POE 2.