Get rid of seasons and just have content updates and expansions like in the good old days

Seasons are unnecessary and actually detrimental to the longevity of games. I will not create a new character each season for any game, sorry not happening. I would prefer to continue playing my existing character and experience new content with it rather than starting over from scratch. If the content is mid-level and then if I really want to experience it I would create a new character to do so.

You know that you don’t have to play seasons? Legacy isn’t going away. You can keep playing your legacy characters when a new season starts, which is what I’ve been doing from the start.

Not to mention that all content that is available in a season is also available in legacy (and in offline), although that is likely to change at some point.

That is very debatable and all evidence seems to point to the contrary. Without the constant appeal of something new, games lose players constantly until they’re left with some token die hards.
This can easily be seen by the fact that Grim Dawn (a game most ARPG players agrees is a good one) constantly only has around 5k players, only spiking when a new expansion comes along, and that only for a short time.

Without a seasonal model D3 would have died many years ago, D4 would already be dead and most likely so would PoE.

The only way LE could sort of survive without seasons is if they shut down all servers, only allow multiplayer with a lobby like system (probably run by someone else) and only release new stuff every 2-3 years. Which is what GD does.