Gender lock

2 genders, 3 sexual preferences, bunch of mental illnesses. Aside from that, never cared for whatever thing you have in your pants ingame or offgame. You play the game and enjoy it as such, caring for the character you “are” is highly subjective, and i’m my opinion, is really nonsensical (unless you’re playing a game focused on the history of the character).

As for harassment, only dim-wited fools would harass anyone for being female or male.

And of course, the “it’s expensive” thing.

Women mind can as fucked up as a men, if not worse.

I know LE isn’t planning to charge us for expansions, but maybe they can really charge for the alternative gender for each class, since it can kind of be considered as “visual” add-ons. That way it would justify spending the resources on developing an alternative gender for each class and it would be optional, so people who don’t care about gender-locks don’t have to pay for it.

However, I would like to see if it’s possible to be more than just different visuals and add something to the gameplay.

I used to play Dungeon Fighter Global, a 2D hack/slash ARPG where you choose a class and then choose a subclass later in the game. In the early stage of the game development, players were also gender-locked to the classes they chose, but later on the game developers started to give the alternative gender for the players to choose, one by one. The first class that got an alternative gender was just really visual difference, but they experimented adding minor differences in the skills. The minor changes were very well received, so they stepped it up and started to roll out alternative gender for other classes that were more distinctively different from the original gender. It worked out pretty well and DFO remains one of the top revenue-generating games in the world.

I think LE’s skill system already provides players a good variety of builds, so giving each class an alternative version that actually use different variations of the original skills might be too much in terms of build variety but I thought it would be an interesting idea. It gives the developers (with the community) the chance to put fun skill ideas that have been scrapped due to redundancy back into the game.

One example that comes to mind is the female necromancer summons the Bone Golem but the male necromancer can summon the Bone Chimera that has slightly different skill nodes. And the backstory of the male necromancer could be tied to the Eternal Empire. Another example would be the male Necromancer would have fewer number of maximum minions that are generally stronger than female Necromancer’s minions or vice versa. And the subclasses can even have different names too.

But if this were to be implemented, some people might feel this add-on is not optional anymore, as this would not just be difference in the visuals but also additional play styles.

Anyway, just thought I might chime in my thoughts on gender availability for each of the classes.

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I really don’t wanna be that guy, and I personally don’t care.

But charging for a gender pack for the characters will most certainly lead to some kind of outrage, I am sure.

People will find ways to make that the most controversial thing on the planet… sadly.


Yeah most likely. Then I guess we will have to wait till many expansions later when they finally have spare resources to spend on developing the alternative gender for each class.

Or let’s just hope the cosmetic shop does so well that LE developers will get enough resources soon to implement all the stuff they and the community want to see.


i guess if there is a LORE , you can accept gender lock. every char got a lil intro story , and this “kill” the gender lock problem.

Just to add to the data set of reasons guys play female characters.

I, as a man, will play a female character if it fits the role/backstory of the character better. In Pathfinder, for example. I like playing some of my rogues as female because it fits in the theme of seducing the marks to steal or kill. I will play female Aasimar/Elf archers or casters.

Those are maybe 1/10th of my characters though, as the vast majority of my characters I prefer to build as male.

I will also note, in Pathfinder (Kingmaker or Wrath of the Righteous), you get to put in custom portraits if you so choose. I download portrait packs and then go through them and delete those I will never use. If there are any females that are naked, or oversexualized to the point of absurdity, they get deleted. What’s worse, the new game has Kitsune (fox people), and the number of furry fetish portraits is disgusting. I don’t mind if female characters have big breasts, some women do in reality after all, but I also don’t mind if they have small breasts either. It is a non-issue for me.

About the only body type I am actually picky about is barbarian. They just demand a hulking brute, male or female.

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After a few weeks of playing, I’m getting bored with Acolyte and Rogue, but still love the game so shall carry on with them. There is of course another solution, and I know people are going to scream at the comparison, but Scion in PoE…could be an idea for a female character, so you can play the other classes by “opening up” all masteries, or even a fixed number, for that one character who would have their own backstory. Jack of all trades, master (mistress) of none.

In the grand scheme, it does seem silly and maybe a bit sexist to refuse to play a character/class just because of the sex of the character.

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Matter of personnal tastes i guess, i don’t really get the point too, but i know that’s because i do not care at all, i just play the char and that’s it, just like when i read a book i don’t wanna chose Frodon’s, Rand’s or Conan’s gender, because i don’t need to, these are their stories, not mine. In LE, i’m not the traveller.

Doesn’t mean i’m right to do so, it’s just how i function, other peoples arn’t forced to do so. Problem is when some starts to massively get offended for no valid reasons (some people can REALLY enter berzerker mode about gender lock, no maters if they’re pro or anti, it’s kinda cringe) and asks for changes based only for their personnal tastes, creating conflicts with other players/readers/whatevers, but this isn’t the case here, and EHG said why they can’t do that now, so i guess everything’s allright.

And we’ll see what the future’s made of.

Call me silly, but in 4k hours of PoE i never touched the templar. I don’t like what he looks like. So it’s a big no no for me. When they will introduce MTX (if what they said holds true) that will unlock alternate gender, i guess it will be the time for me to test the templar.


Sexism is when you are acting against a real person based on their sex. This is about how people are choosing to express themselves.

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You should be ashamed to guess the genders of the chars ingame in the first place! :smiley:

I have far more conserning matters at hand because the max level armor of the class i like most looks like the level 1 armor of said class ^^. I look much more for armor skins then if my toon is whatever gender or whatever whatever.


We don’t have to guess, we are presented with a line up of characters to choose which one to play at the beginning of the game, plus our characters do actually speak during the game.
But it matters not, EHG have spoken, so we know where we stand. It’s just a shame that ARPGs don’t get themselves up to date in 2021 and actually offer choices in character creation…now that’s something that would put EHG right out in front of the other runners :slight_smile:

Sorry, I thought LE was an action RPG, I didn’t realise it was actually a pen & paper role play game.

You’re correct! But what’s to stop an ARPG being more progressive than other ARPGs? Who actually decreed that you can’t have a choice in character creation because it’s an ARPG? Move with the times and put that pencil down!

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I agree, I’m more than happy to not have characters gender locked, so happy infact that I’m not particularly fussed about it (as I said in the other thread). I’m definitely in the “it doesn’t/shouldn’t matter so put it in resources nothwithstanding”.

Gender locking means 1 set of animations for every single skill in the class.
Not locking means 2 sets. Double the work.

I will also remind folks that you have no idea what gender these characters are unless you ask them. They could all be male (or all female) for all you know. Just play the video game and stop worrying about the outline of the graphics pixels.

…and the voice? we turn voices off? great game.

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What about the voice? There is no such thing as a female or male voice. Just different pitches.

Oh this is getting quite misogynistic…I think you should stop there.