Gaze of Orobyss not spawning Rahyeh

Opened an instance for Orobyss and he didn’t spawn.

Black Sun empowered mono timeline.

The small guys on the way up to his platform were there, but he wasn’t. Had to portal out.

OrobyssBugPlayerLog.txt (6.0 MB)
Ruins of Solarum (224.6 KB)

You mean Rahyeh, right?

No, I was completing the timeline in Empowered Black Sun. I ran another mono and he spawned properly when I opened the instance up again.

There is nodoby else during an orobyss fight (unless he spawn the eyes) and you are teleported in the arena straight away. There no small guys on the way, and there is no way.
I think @Praeliator is right you are talking about Rahyeh

You are both correct, I was having a senior moment. Was opening the Orobyss instance, and fighting Rahyeh. Thanks for punching my back to reality LoL!

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