Gathering storm from Storm totem scalling?

Do someone check what tags scalling best here?
i mean:

  • minion spell dmg
  • spell dmg
  • minion mele dmg
  • minion lighting dmg
  • totem dmg

Any tag that is relevant for the minion scales it equally.

If you have 600% minion spell dmg and 100% minion lightining damage, does that all simply add? That is, is it the same thing adding another 100% minion spell or 100% minion lightning or is lightning better with those numbers?

EDIT: Regarding the OP, check the tags, it only scales from those. So your lightning damage does nothing for totem.

Yes, since they’re both % increased. It has ever been thus.

As long as it’s minion spell lightning damage, it matters not one jot.

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Yes, I thought it was that way, but just wanted to make sure.