Game state will freeze but not a normal game freeze

Started playing again for the update since the release, and I’ve been enjoying it while I can. The issue is that around once an hour, the state of the game will freeze, as in, all the enemies will stop moving, I can still move unless I evade, then my character will stop moving until I teleport (mage ability) (I don’t actually teleport, but I can see the effects happen) which will enable me to move again. I believe I can die when this happens due to my character dropping to the ground sometimes, but I can still move even though he’s in a downed state (kinda funny). Attempting to move areas will lead to either just the message showing up that usually appears before the load screen (the load screen never appears and the message of moving areas stays on my screen) or it’ll put me into a infinite load screen. I can open menus and my inventory but can’t move items. Casting abilities does nothing but the grunting of my character but I can see that sometimes damage number will show up so I assume they’re getting casted I just cant see them nor the casting animation.

I guess what happens in conclusion, is that even though the game is still “working”, everything is frozen and invisible. Game runs fine outside of this, 0 performance issues, but is scary to think no one else has had this problem from what I’ve read. Genuinely makes the game unplayable having to redo whole areas since the only fix is “Leave Game” and go back in. If anyone else has had this issue please let me know, it would bring me a lot of ease knowing that I’m not the only one with this problem and that hopefully it will get fixed, because as of now, I don’t think I’ll continue to play.

edit: I guess I should add that this doesn’t stop my game from working nor does it crash. It will continue to operate as if it was working normally. It doesn’t freeze my computer or anything of sorts like other posts about your typical game freeze which appear to be hardware/software issues. This genuinely appears to be a server side bug but I hope it isn’t just me

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Similar issues here as well. Seems to worsen each day. I am continually force closing the game restarting Steam because while I can move… nothing is really happening and I can’t progress.