Gaining buffs through condition

Shift with Unseen Strike have Mele tag but don’t trigger Perfection buff from Exuberance when used, only works when you hit enemy.

Puncture from Net with Spear Trap can trigger Reen’s Ire from Eye of Reen Sword but can’t trigger Perfection buff from Exuberance and Dusk Shroud from prefix on Body Armour " Chance to gain Dusk Shroud when you use a Melee Attack that hits"

Spear Trap description:

Net Traps now also use Puncture for you when they are triggered. This will use the melee or bow version of Puncture depending on your equipped weapon.

So Net Trap uses it or trigger??

Tested " Chance to gain Dusk Shroud when you use a Melee Attack that hits" with Explosive Trap + Detonating Arrow and its works…

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