I usually keep my stash tabs organized with colours and numbers starting from higher number to lower so when i open the stash i can just store all the items quickly.
In true offline when exiting the game and getting back in the stash tabs get desorganized and the order i put them in do not get saved.
Have player logs from previous session when they were organized and the last session i went in where they were all over the place. ZIP contains both as player.prev was too big.
I can reorder them easily, its just that the order i set them to gets undone on a new login. Averielle asked me to create this one thread with the logs attached.
I have the same issue. It’s really annoying but I found a workaround by editing the “STASH…” files manually.
Make sure that every tab within one category has a unique name in order to identify it in the STASH… files.
Arrange the tabs in your desired order and remember this order.
Exit your game session
Navigate to the “Saves” folder where the STASH… files are stored. (C:\Users[USER_NAME]\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\Saves)
Create a backup of your Saves folder by copying it to another location
Delete all files within the Saves folder which has the ending .bak
Analyze the STASH_0_TAB_[TAB_NUMBER] files
a. The name can be identified by looking for the value of the “displayName” key.
b. The category in which the tab is in can be identified by looking for the value of the “categoryId” key
c. Make a mapping for each category between the “displayName” and the actual file name. E.g. “categoryId”:1, “displayName”:“SomeTabName” → STASH_0_TAB_3 ; “categoryId”:1, “displayName”:“AnotherTabName” → STASH_0_TAB_7
Fix order in file STASH_0:
At the beginning of the file is an array with the key “tabsv2”. In this array the order of all tabs is defined without taking the tab categories into account. It seems that new created tabs are simply put at the end of the array and when moving the tabs in-game the positioning of the entries in the array is not updated. By reordering the entries in this array according to the before created mapping the order is fixed. Until the bug is fixed this workaround has to be done everytime a new tab is created and has to be moved after creation to another desired position within the same category or to a completely different category.