From Concept to Reality: Meet the Nagasa

Nearly a year ago, we posted the concept art for the Nagasa; one of the so-called ‘god races’ not yet encountered in the world of Eterra. It’s particularly important to us that these enemies look impressive, and today we’re excited to share with you some of the Nagasa we’ve created!

Want another look at the concept art? Find it here.


emerald nagasa


diamond nagasa



Note: We do not presently expect the Nagasa to be available in Patch 0.8.2.


I really wondered, when we can more infos on them.

As you said it’s almsot one year since we last time saw something about them.

Can’t wait for increased enemy variety in LE and i expect some of these to have major abilities

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Does Apophis serve Orobyss, we need to know about their beliefs.

She will be my mortal kombat baraka queen!


:snake: :snake: :snake: :snake:

The last chapter of Lore (at least planned last chapter maybe more will come?!) is looking to make a very impactful statement in LE. Cant wait to see the story and new race! (also assuming the next chapter is where we meet the nagasa)

Snake people are cool but…

Lizard people when?

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We get 12 hours of Lizard everyday.




Nice work, but has it really been almost a year?

You’ve just destroyed all the people that hoped next patch would be 0.9 ^^

And very nice look for the Nagasa, I’m sure they will be awesome encounters! :slight_smile:

Marvelous! Really looking forward to the next chapter.

Top one looks like it does poison damage, middle one looks like sun/fire damage and bottom one looks like the boss snakeperson.

Probably depends on how exactly you define “almost”, but it’s actually 8 1/2 months ago.

Wow. Very nice!

Yeah! Snake people! I hope they make satifying sounds when they die!!


Had a chance to stare at this on a bigger screen and I really like them. Especially Diamond. That helmet is very cool. And I have a certain appreciation for Serpentes.

I do appreciate the effort that goes into making this, especially the part where I see you drew inspiration for each part of equipment they are wearing such as the rope belts and so on.

Keep it up as always