Frequent crashes in temporal sanctum

Been having this same issue since returning for 1.1. Only experiencing crashes in Temporal Sanctum. I’ll frequently “lag out” and my character’s abilities will no longer register, enemies won’t spawn, time shift ability disappears. Loading screen between levels will take upwards of five minutes, if they finish at all.


Same here, it does not crash though it just stays loading for ever between the floor 1 and 2. Had never happenned before in 1.0.

Also have other regular crashes in loading screens in monolotith that makes me restart computer since I can’t even close the program.

Playing online thought it was the problem I can see it is not :smiley:


Hey guys,

firstly I want to say that you guys at EHG did an amazing job so far! Thank you for making this game and rocking your first cycle start with the limited amount of ressource oyu have.

Now to the not so fun part.

i am entering TS (Temporal Sanctum) on level 1. First area is smooth and nothing happens.
Now if I enter to the Sanctum Cloister I get into the loading screen BUT it will give me a “Disconnected from Gameserver” message. Before it was just an INFINTE loadingscreen.

You had that problem last year aswell, unresolved, with multiple postings in the forum and on reddit.

I tried everything there is out there on the internet. Never had that problem before. Just occured after 1.1 launch.

Please advice me on how to handle it.

Kind regards,


Hi, I’m having the same problem. Is there some kind of fix to this?

Same problem here… everything is fine until i go to load the cloister… then just infinite loading and can only Alt+F4 or use task manager to exit and restart. Havent had the problem all of 1.1 but today i havent been able to run a single sanctum. Considering giving up on game if this continues as i can not make progress.

just adding my name to the list, simply cant progress my character for days, sitting on a bunch of items to slam but consistently get infinite load screens or random crashes where i cant interact with anything and mobs disappear.

Same here. It also happened in different dungeons too. I got stuck at loading screen a couple of times. Also there were times that I stuck while in the instance and not be able to use abilities.

Same problem here when going from floor 1 to floor 2 : I either get an infinite loader or get disconnected from server.

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Got the same issue since this cycle. Tried everything (verify files, reinstall, praying…), and lost more than 15 keys.
Then i had an epiphany, and tried to change server (switched from EUW to the second less ping that was US East). And allehuia, now i can go to Julra.
Hope this helps.

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does anyone know if EGH even knows/acknowledge this issue? id love to be able to make some legendaries…

Having this happen often. It’s making continuing with the league not worth it TBH.

Same, it seems 1.1.2 update is the cause, it was much better time 1.1.1 I hope they revert back or hotfix something with crashing and fps issues. I can deal with the other bugs but those 2 are making this unplayable, I lost 6 sanctum keys yesterday.

Same here Game block sometime when using Warpath
Happened in Lightless Arbor

issue still persists in 1.1.2

Still the problem persists. Very frustrated at this point. I’m stuck at tier 3 and cannot progress any further. My experience is this: the problem is in the loading screen at the entrance right after you spent the key (50%). Sometimes the bug occurs in the passage between room 1 and room 2 (40%). Less often even while playing inside the two rooms pre boss or in the loading screen pre boss (10%).

Same here. This sucks. How can you play this game when one of the most impotant mechanic frequently crashes? Not fun.

bump =)

it is day 5 with no answer. i cry.

day 6 lul

This is incredibly frustrating. Stuck unable to progress with several pieces of gear due to infinite loading or immediate disconnection every time I enter level 2.