Freezing with Lightning Frost Claw?

Sorry, noob question again. If I take Spark Artillery for Frost Claw, can I still freeze enemies with Frost Claw ?
The passive mentions the change of damage type and tag and the change from frostbite to shock, but it doesn’t mention freeze. Is cold damage mandatory for freezing enemies ?

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I found that lightning frost claw will remove the cold tag, then frost claw can’t freeze enemies, I’m not sure if this information is right, becuase I found it from reddit.

For a skill to freeze it needs a base freeze rate.

All skills that I am aware of lose freeze rate when converted from cold to any other element.

Technically a skill doesn’t need to do cold damage to freeze, but skills that do have base freeze rate will do cold damage naturally.

You could add a lot of other damage to a cold skill and it would not affect their ability to freeze, but it doesn’t make sense for most cases.

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