Free Trade Makes ARPGs Boring AF

The sad thing is we have leaderboards and outside of this there isn’t even a reason to have the game serversided at least from my point of view. Without trading and the Bazar there is not much that speaks for the involvement of servers. I think we would be better of with the good old P2P route and open trade where people can play the way they want without restrictions or nerfed droprates.

That’s what I tried to tell the people already but they all know it better ^^. The droprates have been okay but sadly the stats have been crap… echoing fury with int on it nice! :smiley:

Well it seemed like you wanted to keep the same sort of POE market but remove gold sellers. And I don’t think that is an out of place interpretation.

I understand how you got there. I’d really appreciate it if we weren’t trying to interpret what was said and just read what was actually said.


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