FPS Drops

Your opinion is entirely up to you… cannot say much more than that other than to counter with the fact that I have close to 1800hrs in play and the game is stable - hasnt crashed more than a handful of times and I get acceptable performance of between 40-60fps 99% of the time on my 2016 system. What content exists is good (arguably better than other released games) and bugs & workarounds havent stopped me enjoying playing… Being involved in the development process (as just a player) & contributing here on the forums is generally a pleasant experience…

If EHG ceased work on the game right now I would be sad, but its been totally worth the box price i paid for an early access game - a few times over…

Everyone has their own experiences, glass half full/empty approaches and expectations… Yours have obviously been negative… mine havent…

Same here. 2200 hours in the game, mostly at stable 60 fps, maybe two or three crashes, no more. It depends strongly on the PC.
EHG said that after 0.8.5 a stronger focus would be put on performance, let’s see if they can stabilize the game.

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