Forum Player Profile Icon Overhaul - with contest!

Hello Travelers!

As part of our ongoing overhauls both in game and out - we are updating the Forums Player Profile Icons!

While the current roster contains some long standing favourites, the skills they represent - and the in-game icon representing those skills - have been updated several times, so now it’s time to do the same here.

Along with new Skill Icons, we’ll be adding some other in game icons such as the Egg of the Forgotten and Class Icons, though we know individuality and representation is important so we’d like to ask you - yes YOU - what you’d like to see! Just comment below and we’ll see what we can do.

Personally, I would like to see more of Gregory, our beloved Grole Senior Intern! If you would like to help make that a reality, you can use the image below to design your very own Gregory Icon! (He is there, Gregory is just a bit shy and has camouflaged into the background :sweat_smile: )

Senior Intern Gregory Icon

The team will collect all your offerings and pick one to be an official Player Profile Icon for everyone to use. Just share it in a comment here :blush:


In addition to new skill icons, can you also add class badges?


Gotta have the Senior Intern! I would also like to see icons for the various factions, some of the notable allies/enemies, loot lizards, and most importantly more bees.

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I’d like to see the Forum badges available as Avatars (forum pictures).

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GroleClown like PepeClown please!

Not only class icons, but I really want mastery specific avatars

I think initially the plan was to have different Character Avators for each mastery of a given class in the ingame party menu. If this still is to come this would be an awesome addition to the forums as well.