Forging Potential Max?

What is the max FP an item can have? I used to think it was 55 but I just found an item with 56 so that’s blown out of the water. I can’t imagine it’s too much higher than that but I can’t find it anywhere.


I thought it was 70-something if it was a 4x t7 item.

70? That seems high indeed. I’ve never seen anything with more than 2 affixes above T5, and I don’t think any of my duals were both T7. But even then I’ve never seen higher than this personally. If it 70 then, wow! That is certainly a lot of potential, but if it had 4 T7 affixes then FP would be useless at that point.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you are incorrect. It just surprises me that it might be that high.
Thanks for the response. Guess I’ll have to keep looking.

Yeah, I’m not entirely sure, but the theoretical max is pretty high with more exalted affixed. One of the devs calculated it (or @Dammitt).

Not really. You could still use a removal rune if one of the affixes weren’t useful to you and craft something else in it.

Plus you can use the rune to reroll the values.

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Not to mention that you could use the rune of research if one of the affixes was an experimental one. So still (potentially) lots to do with 4xT7 items :grin:

Yeah, I guess that’s true, they do still use FP for those.

Lots to do with a unicorn as well. Or if I caught a Leprechaun. What do all those things have in common? Starts with an F and ends with -antasy… :wink:


Indeed, and there’s a lot of money to be made with that. You know, rule 34 and all of that.
Oh, wait… you’re talking about something else.


Nah you’d Shape and Refine till it was awesome. Or risk a Removal and go from there.

Highest I have seen is 56, for the record.

I think The Cuckoo usually starts at 60+ when it transforms.

I read that and grabbed one of my Cuckoos to see what I would get and when it changed it had 53, so not sure if that was really bad luck but what. Was really hoping to see something above 60.