Forge guard [feedback]

I will give my feedback in the order of what I think is most important;
Premise: Forge Guard are not scaling that good.

1- Forge Strike should be more rewarding

  • Anvil Blow should stuns longer
  • Reinforce Weapon and Armor should be stronger at a point you can feel you are empowered by doing Forge Strike
  • Rending Descent should increases shred duration

2- Forge Guard should tank more

  • Liquid Iron should provide multiplier mitigation instead of physical resistance, converting 15% DOT damage into health, idk, something crazy like this

3- Ring of shields need some love

  • Healing shields should heal over time instead every 6 seconds
  • Ring of shields need a flat wall mitigation so you can feel you are tanking more pressing this skill

4- Molded By the Forge should provide % health and/or multiplier mitigation alongside with weapons buffs.

5- TOO MANY shield talents. merge some of them into a single talent and make new talents with better scalling.

6- Forge Guards need more HP, a rogue with more HP than a LAVA KNIGHT is unthinkable.

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