Font size and UI scaling

Game is actually unplayable for me because font size is too small. UI scaling would be great also.
Never had the same issue with PoE or Diablo. Will it be fixed on release?

Probably not on release. Devs know about this issue, they just have more important things planned. It’s not an easy task to make the font size adjustable across all of the UI elements, but it will certainly happen sooner or later. I know bugged font for numbers is getting fixed in 1.0, so it’s work in progress.

I want to add my support for this. As someone with vision issues, it’s very hard to read things and it limits how long I can play before it’s detrimental to keep staring at small print trying to read it.

What worries me is how EHG respond on this matter on the dev streams. They shrug it off with claiming it is a “couch coop issue” that “might be looked into if ppl request it”… Even though it is one of the most requested topics on the forum and on the dev stream.

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