Font Error because of Locale Language

There is a font error regarding letters “i” and “I”.
My game is in English, my Steam is in English, my Windows is in English, my region settings in Windows are for English, yet I think the game tries to capitalize the letter “i” as “İ”, because that’s how it is in Turkish, so it breaks the font. Only the keyboard setting and regional format setting in my Windows is Turkish, which I have to use honestly.

This happens on the item tooltip when the item starts with letter “i”.
The item name on the ground is fine, the most of the menu is fine.
Here is an example error:
Here is another error:
Here is another set of wrong capitalizations, but at least the font doesn’t break:
But these are fine: and

If there is a way to make the game capitalize the letters based on the game language settings instead of the user locale, I would appreciate it. As a Turkish software developer, I’ve had my share with incorrect letter capitalizations and I think this is why.

Changing Regional Formatting to United Kingdoms fixes it, but honestly I don’t want to change my calendar and date settings just for this game to work properly.

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