Focus with Conveyance Node Often Fails For No Discernable Reason

Focus’s Conveyance node will often bug out, meaning that after the teleport effect is initiated, the skill will immediately discharge, going on cooldown and thus not allowing the player to receive the mana/ward the skill normally generates. Needless to say this is a good way to get killed frequently.

It seems to occur more often when using Conveyance to teleport close to enemies (though not always), or into AoE ground effects.

Here’s the player log for a very short session where this bug occurred twice.
Player.log (126.0 KB)

And here’s the skill tree for Focus as it was during the time the above log/session occurred.
Focus (3.6 MB)

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I also experienced another bug with this same combination of skills:

Did you experience anything similar? Or were you not using teleport in addition to it?

Your comment prompted me to do some further experimentation. I unspecialized Teleport and removed it from my bar, and lo and behold I only encountered one instance of this bug across many areas, where previously it was happening all the time. When I placed Teleport back on my bar, the bug reappeared.

This also lead me to do some further probing: I was often able to reproduce the problematic behavior of Focus/Conveyance breaking immediately upon the teleport effect if I immediately attempted to use Focus/Conveyance after using Meteor.

I’m uploading images of my Focus and Meteor trees as they were during this testing, below.
Focus And Meteor (7.7 MB)

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