Flame Rush - Stuck on Everything

Have they acknowledged flame rush getting stuck on literally everything in existence?
Any word on a fix?

I just did a search in the bug forum thread and yes, there are threads where people have expressed issues. Might be worth your time to back them up?

-I use Flame Rush and I VERYYYYY much, every day, look forward to a gameplay experience where it justā€¦ functions.

besides of ramps, stairs and anything which suggests to be a bit higher than the normal terrain flame rush works just fine :slight_smile:

I would love to see that such traversalskils will be fixed entirely but when you know you canā€™t flame rush up or down, you can play around it to ā€œmake it workā€. Thatā€™s not completly satisfying but stillā€¦

Well, great then, you should only limit your movement and space of evasion and dodge by, what 20/30%? :smile:

Without considering the situation of surrounding enemy when you are on the stair, at that point itā€™s you fault, you should know that on the stair itā€™s hard to fight, this is a realistic game :star_struck:

Jokes aside, i also hope they fix this asap, my sorcerer have died to much times stuck in these ā€œcornersā€

Iā€™ve been posting videos of this issue for nearly 6 months, have not seen anyone from EHG recognize it as an issue. I will keep posting videos and post bug reports daily. Sad to see this wasnā€™t fixed prior to launch. Actually with so many prevalent bugs that have apparently been reported for years, itā€™s highly disheartening to find majority of reported bugs made it into 1.0 and still have no response from EHG.

Another day of spamming bug reports and posting videos, coming up.

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Itā€™s what made me stop playing Runemaster. For some reason though my Rogueā€™s Shift ability does not have this issue, I never, not once got stuck using it.

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I just added another bug report. My brother and I did not get loot from Abomination or Orybyss boss. Well, I got yellows and blues, but no uniques. My brother didnā€™t get anything at all. All this after trying to get loaded in to the encounter. At this point, Diablo is looking better. At least they are starting to listen and communicate.