Fix the fclick issue already will ya?

All right, it’s been more than a couple of fweeks since you fdeployed in your fwisdom the fpatch which for sure you ftested (not). Will ya ffix the fclick issue already?

Not only do I have to fswallow your fattitude toward all the fclasses which are not facolyte or frogue and got fnerfed to the fground, (the classes which are not facolyte or frogue I mean) only because you flove to fenforce on all the fplayers to fplay the fclasses which you flove because you fthink are fentertaining but they are fnot, yeah, they’re fnot bcause I just want to fplay the fpaladin! I didnt fbuy this fgame to fplay the facolyte or frogue, or otherwise you should have fmarketed as a frogue or facolyte ARPG!

But now, yes now, I have to fplay this fgame with a fbuild which was fnerfed to the fground and fdie like a fnoob to all the fcrap the fspires or whatever fthing you fimplemented to fkill the players which are not following any of the fbuilds which you think we should all fplay like facolyte of frogue that is.

Yes, I’m fsalty because I just fdied like the fmillionth ftime beause I fclicked on a fshard or fwhatever (not) fitem because you also believe we should have ffun mindlessly fclicking of fshards and frunes and fglyphs.

But of course the fclick didn’t fwork so I got 3 fspires all come down on my fchar which is not frogue or facolyte so can’t ftake 3 fspires.

Thank you and have a flovely evening.

P.S. Ffix the fsmite fbugs which are 12 fmoths old.

Thank you.

And have a lovely fevening.