Filled out map

I know this was brought up in the past but I figured I would bring it up again since its a feature I would like. When playing a character and exploring a map during the campaign, it uncovers or reveals the map. Well if I teleport to town and back to that zone, I have to reveal that whole level once again.

I would love for it to stay revealed at least during the same playthrough if anything. I do know this is a small thing in comparison to other suggestions out there. I figured I would talk about it at least and see what everyone else thinks and hope it could be on the list of things to be added in the future updates.

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Devs are aware of it. The current system isn’t how they want it to be, it’s just what they had to settle for due to performance issues. It’s on their list to fix.


Ah okay, thanks for letting me know! I couldn’t remember if it was brought up before but I’m glad they do know about it.


Oh neat to know, because that was also one of my critique-points so far. (And due it existed since quite a while i thought maybe it’s intentionally).

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In a way, it IS intentional. It’s not how they want things to be, ideally, but they had to make a compromise. Saving instances would be a huge performance hit on the current state of the game, so they compromised and did it this way. But they do intend on changing it. No idea when, though.

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