Feedback: Skill System

Just wanna drop feedback for the devs. New player here.
I really enjoyed the campaign and the endgame systems.

However there is one thing that really really triggers me, which is when you wanna respec skills. Like it turns a 10/10 game into 1/10 in a heartbeat in my opinion, and it doesn’t matter if you get to keep a portion of the skill levels. It’s a dumb mechanic preventing freedom with builds.

It simply feels annoying and boring re-lvling skills for different purposes when you have already maxed them out in the past.

I’m totally backing up, you grind your gear THAT’s the very core of the game. But re-grinding skill lvls is straight up dumb.

I’d love to support your game more, but there is no fricking way i’m gonna keep relvling skills. Why insist of keeping a punishing systems, it removes all the fun which games is all about.

If this is feedback it goes in the Feedback/Suggestion section. You can actually edit your original post and change the forum location it’s in.

Topic is like a bad penny.

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Pity we don’t have a search function eh?


Is that even a thing, bruh?

And actually, this is something AI could really help with. It could recognize a repeat topic, tag it and put it in a category with all the other exact same topics.

Then I could use my mute button to turn that topic off. :smiley:

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Nah bruv, just lies!


I actually once made a suggestion to make the forum search for threads while you’re writing the title of the new topic. It wouldn’t stop everyone, but maybe it would stop a few.